Smartgraymatter's Blog

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Who Needs Social Media?

"Who needs social media?!" The words are blasted across the desk as they fidget nervously with their fingers. "It is just a new technology fad that will never see a decade." They start to sweat, licking their parched lips anxiously. "Why would I invest in something that I can't control?" "How am I supposed to protect and present my brand correctly?" "It is more harmful than helpful."

Sadly, I look back into the lined face of the typical corporate executive and sigh. Everything that I've just heard translates into **I don't understand social media, and I don't have time to learn about it.** They rub their face with their hands, look out into nothing and there is a distinct fear on their face. Fear of the unknown. Thus, they decide to adopt the mantra I hear being broadcast by many corporations. "Who needs social media?"

Let me attempt to answer this question. Ahem, *clears throat* You sir/madam NEED social media! Your business needs social media, and most importantly your brand MUST HAVE social media. The vast amount of data that floats through the air on a regular basis is electrifying, I mean, the sheer numbers are staggering. Twitter alone is boasting 50 million tweets a day. This means that the population of the United States is exceeded every week by the number of tweets flying around the globe. Think about it for a second....

This is where we tie it together. First, social media is not a fad, it isn't just novel web-based applications, and it isn't simply a trend. It is a revolution of lifestyle. Our method of communication has officially evolved. Micro-blogging,and updating your status has officially become the preferred method of articulation. Welcome to 2010. It is much simpler to integrate with your social community online via social applications than it is to go through the laborious process of using a cumbersome email client, or even(as sad as this may sound) making a phone call. #SlyDial anyone? =)

Ok, so we know that we all love to use social media, and we know we would be lost without it considering our harrowing schedules. What does this have to do with the free enterprise? Everything.

Think about it, many executives have dismissed the idea of integrating social media into their PR/Marketing initiatives and are losing revenue as a result. "How is that?" you ask. Perhaps an illustration will best assist me in explaining it.

Even Microsoft, yes the great and mighty Microsoft is failing to pick up the ball here. Last weekend found me on the road for an extended period of time. Being the avid music lover that I am of course I had my #Zune with me. Ok, criticize me if you must, but I'm impressed with not only the software, but also the product. Microsoft really produced something innovative with the new Zune software and the new HD units, but I digress.

Ok, so I'm relaxing, letting my #Isuzu eat up the miles, and rocking out to some fantastic tunes from #CageTheElephant and my Zune decides it's battery had endured enough punishment from me for one day and feebly raised the white flag of depleted battery icon. So I'm stranded. I have been severed from my media. Songs, podcasts, #HBR videos and the whole nine.

Naturally, I start thinking, "wish I would have picked up a car charger." I grabbed my phone, pulled up the my Twitter app. Which, btw absolutely sucks #Samsung and tweeted: "Wish I had a car charger for my #zune. Please send me one and bill my account. Microsoft already has my billing information as they bill me every month for the service. If they had their ears to the ground they could have contacted me, verified acct ID, and sold me an accessory. All within a matter of minutes. I have yet to hear from #Zune, or #Microsoft. Let that sink in..... Wake up corporations! YOU, yes YOU need social media.

Stephen Kent Gray

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