Smartgraymatter's Blog

Thursday, May 20, 2010

On Hold Messaging From A Different Angle

I'm fairly confident to say that there isn't a person in the civilized world who hasn't encountered on hold messaging at least once in his/her lifetime. In fact, it is almost immediately expected as soon as we grab a phone and attempt to contact any customer service center. After navigating the IVR we settle in, our eyes glazing over as we listen to the business we're most likely displeased with at the precise moment glorify themselves and sing their virtues on a recorded loop. Every so often interjected with, "We apologize for the delay, one or our representatives will be with you shortly."

By the time someone finally answers the phone the company's intention of creating customer loyalty and brand relations has morphed into an ugly taste that we feel rising in the back of our throat. Sometimes we find ourselves asking.."If your business is so competent and trustworthy then why am I having an issue, and why is it taking so long, and why do they feel the need to incessantly repeat it to me?"

To be sure, now is the time for change. Businesses need to rethink their strategies and practices to succeed in an environment that is more customer focused than ever. When is the last time your business obtained a customer poll on your on hold messaging practices? What is the general opinion of your best effort to brainwash them?

After having obtained this data, let's look at a possible alternative to this ghastly display of pitiful customer experience management. How can you keep your customers entertained and still profit from it? Have you ever considered selling your captive audience to other businesses? How about the neighborhood car dealership? What about the corner bagel shop? Maybe, the local clothing boutique?

My research has displayed a very positive consumer response to this altered game plan for on hold messaging. Customers would much rather listen to genuine radio quality 1 minute spots for local businesses than listen to a boring loop about your brand's heroics. It is engaging, refreshing, and even potentially beneficial for them. "Mention that you heard this commercial to the Barista, and receive a free muffin!"

Best part of it all, you end up creating a much better experience for your customer all while procuring some additional income in the process..

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