Smartgraymatter's Blog

Monday, May 24, 2010

Google Throws Bone To New Businesses

Vaulting into my office chair I glide across the floor to my stalwart computer desk. It has become necessary for me to locate a local business/service. What is the first url I default to? At this point, if I didn't say Google Maps I'm quite confident that someone would throw a shoe at me. Ouch! What was that for?! I haven't even finished what I was.....oh forget it.

Everyone and their fifth cousin thrice removed uses Google Maps to locate local businesses. Moreover, I for one would be completely lost without it! Whenever someone tosses an address at me, they immediately follow it with, "Do you know where that is?" My response has become automatic. Google Maps. Two words are all I have to utter. No additional details are necessary right?

Moving along, I'm astounded when I meet someone who hasn't used at least one Google app(where did I put my shoe....) and the reason is simple. Each app offered by Google is simple to use, and it works beautifully. Besides crafting the first decent hierarchy logarithm for search engines, they've continued to embellish us with their glittering gifts of Google love. Gmail anyone?

Now, we get to start the mating ritual with yet another Google application. Google Places. If you are a new business you positively must sign up for a Google places account. The data it provides you alone is worth the valuable time you will spend setting it up.

First, Google Places will ensure that your business is visible to customers(like me) when they hop on Google Maps to search for a service related to your industry. Which is huge when you research the cost of organic SEO. Chances are, as a new business your marketing budget isn't exactly going to be rotund.

Not only will you be visible to customers, but your customer's data will become visible to you on your Google Places dashboard. Now hold on, before you start shouting privacy concerns in my ear. All data provided is purely geography based and nothing of a personal nature is displayed.

Considering it from a business owner's viewpoint you begin to understand why this is massive. You will be able to see what zip codes hold the highest volume of search traffic for your product, and you can pinpoint those areas with your advertising dollars. Handy right?

Wrapping up, Google will also allow you to virtually entice your customers. You can do electric stuff like create coupons online for your customers that they can print out and bring into the location for promotions, sales, etc.

Research shows that over 80% of consumers use the internet to search for businesses locally. SEO is indespensible and this is why. Web traffic translates into physical traffic. So, before you go shelling out your tightly budgeted dollars for costly SEO why not try signing up for a Google Places account?

To recap, you'll get what amounts to free SEO, data that will help you manage your advertising efforts/inventory, and be able to interact with your customers via event/coupon creation. I think it's definitely worth checking out. If you decide to, or you already have please leave a comment below and let me know what you think about it.

Ok, stop it with the shoes already!

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